Wraparound Services Model


Holistic Support for Recovery:

The Emerald Wrap Around Model

At Emerald School, we embrace the Recovery High School Wrap Around Services Model. This comprehensive approach goes beyond academics, providing a network of support that addresses the unique needs of each student. We partner with mental health professionals, medical providers, and community resources to offer a holistic approach to healing. This includes individual and group therapy, trauma-informed care, and access to necessary medical and legal services. Our Wrap Around Model empowers students to address not only substance use but also any mental health disorders they may face, paving the way for a lasting and fulfilling recovery.

Emerald Recovery Staff Structure

Understanding Your Options:

Recovery High School vs. Traditional High School

Choosing the right high school environment is a crucial decision for your academic success and overall well-being. At Emerald School, we believe that a recovery high school can offer unique advantages for students in recovery from substance use disorders or mental health conditions. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between recovery high schools and traditional high schools:

Focus and Philosophy:

Recovery High Schools: Designed speci fically to support students in recovery, with a focus on academic achievement while fostering a safe and supportive environment conducive to maintaining sobriety.

Traditional High Schools: Offer a broader range of academic programs but may not have specialized support systems tailored to the unique needs of students in recovery.

Curriculum and Staff:

Recovery High Schools: Often integrate recovery principles into the curriculum and have staff trained to address the specific challenges faced by students in recovery. This may include substance abuse counselors, mental health professionals, and teachers experienced in supporting students in recovery.

Traditional High Schools: While qualified to deliver a strong academic curriculum, staff may not have specialized training or experience working with students who are in recovery.

Support System:

Recovery High Schools: Provide a peer-support network of students who understand the challenges of recovery. They often offer individual and group counseling, relapse prevention strategies, and connections to community recovery resources.

Traditional High Schools: May not have a built-in support system specifically focused on recovery.

Your Recovery Journey:

Supported Every Step of the Way

At Emerald School, we understand that recovery is an ongoing process. That’s why we provide a comprehensive recovery support program designed to empower you on your journey to wellness. Here’s what you can expect:

Personalized Support Plan: We’ll collaborate with you to create an individualized plan that incorporates your existing support system and outlines your personal goals for recovery.

Dedicated Recovery Staff: Our team of qualified Recovery Support Staff is available throughout the school day to offer guidance and support.

Regular Check-Ins: We prioritize consistent communication, scheduling one-on-one meetings every three weeks to discuss your progress and collaboratively set new goals.

Supportive Community: You’ll be surrounded by peers who share similar experiences and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Morning and afternoon recovery groups provide a safe space to connect and learn from each other.

Open Communication: We believe in collaborating with your family and external support providers to create a strong, wraparound support network for your success.

Professional Assessments: If needed, we can connect you with outside professionals for free onsite assessments, ensuring you have access to the resources you deserve. Emerald School is here to support you every step of the way on your path to a brighter future!

Surround Yourself with Success:

The Power of Positive Peers

Ever heard the saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with?” There’s truth to that! We’re all influenced by the people around us, and for teens, that influence can be especially strong. That’s why at Emerald School, we cultivate a supportive community built on positive peer pressure.

Here, you’ll be surrounded by classmates who are on the same journey – a path to recovery, growth, and a bright future. This network of peers becomes your biggest cheering section, encouraging you to stay strong, reach your goals, and achieve amazing things. Forget the negativity of a traditional high school environment. At Emerald, your peers are your champions, motivating you to attend support meetings, set career goals, smash college applications, and stay true to your recovery journey. Together, you’ll lift each other up and reach new heights!


of Students

return to use in a traditional high school setting


of Students

return to use in a Recovery High School environment


of Students

have reached over a year of continuous recovery time

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